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     In this course, we learn so many different ways to teach and navigate how a typical day will look like with an exceptional student. We learned different strategies as well as instrument we have in our disposition to help us. As well as to identify the needs beforehand and follow the guidelines establish for each child and their needs. This PDF highlights a cooperative research and presentation I had to present for this course. To which I learned the different aspects of speech difficulties and language. The history, what is, communication disorder and language difficulty, how ASHA works, differences between each other, prevalence, signals by stages, causes of speech difficulty, characteristics of difficulty of speaks and language, examples of speech difficulty and language problems related, etc.

















     There is no way for me show how big of an impact this course did to me, words can't describe how satisfy and fortunate I am to have taken and needed this course. All the knowledge I gain from this course is precouis and is full filling. I learn a lot of conditions, sickness, complex and problems a child and adult can have. For istance mine was Sensory Integration Problems, which means that it affects the five senses of the person, to the point that will have them be suffering is one of their senes is stimulated and the person cant stand the stimulation. To me it is essential to know about this disorder since the children who suffer may have difficulties learning, playing, talking with others and even to perform daily or basic activities. Lastly, I am extremly proud of my work done in this course and I am forever gratefull.
























Emily E. Quiñones E-Potfolio

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